Tag: Recipes
Recipes & CANDAT
Recipes are another source of food information. Not all foods can be found in food databases, There is a limitless number of recipes and thus a limitless number of foods. You only need to look at the number of recipe books that are available to have an idea of the number of foods that are…
Task 400 – Recipe Maintenance
This task begins by prompting for the file name. Files that exist already will be listed and the one desired selected. If the new… choice is selected a new file name needs to be entered. New file names must start with a letter, have no spaces within the name and have 8 characters (letters or…
Recipe – Validation
One of the purposes of creating recipes is to be able to calculate their nutrient profile. If you were doing this manually you would look for the nutrient profile of each ingredient and sum each ingredient’s nutrient contribution. From this you would get an estimate of the recipe’s nutrient profile. Validating a recipe is a…
Recipe – management
A database of recipes needs to be managed. Management means the following: Being able to list the recipes (simple code and description only) Being able to list the recipes with contents. This allows verification of information entered to ensure accuracy Being able to copy recipes to other recipe databases to save re-entry Being able to…
Recipe – Input
There is more to recipe input than just entering the ingredients and their quantities. Below is a list of requirements to define recipes. (R) indicates a required item, (O) indicates an optional item but useful if you are going to be creating a large collection of recipes for many purposes. (R) A recipe database. If…