Candat – A complete food intake nutrient research system

$497.00 / Year For 1 Year and 15 Days free trial

CANDAT a food intake nutrient research software is a system which will “hand-hold” you through the whole process of gathering and reporting on nutrient values. Result files can be exported for further analyses in spreadsheets (such as Excel) or statistical packages (such as SAS or SPSS). This is the tool to get if you are serious about food intake nutrient calculations for research.

CANDAT includes both the most recent Canadian Food file (CNF2015) and the most recent USDA food file (USDA SR28).



CANDAT a food intake nutrient research software is a system which will “hand-hold” you through the whole process of gathering and reporting on food intakes. Result files can be exported for further analyses in spreadsheets (such as Excel) or statistical packages (such as SAS or SPSS). This is the tool to get if you are serious about food intake nutrient calculations for research.

All of the above also applies to food history questionnaires. You can also define and print your own questionnaires.

CANDAT includes both the most recent Canadian Food file (CNF2015) and the most recent USDA food file (USDA SR28).

This is the 64 bit installation. To install simply download the executable install file. Run this install file in the way you would run regular installs on your computer.

For support please purchase the subscription version.