Foods that we eat and their relationship to health


The CANDAT system is the result of the contribution and cooperation of many people and groups. The work was initiated by the Program in Human Nutrition,  University of Toronto.  Dr. G. H. Beaton and Dr. G. H. Anderson (department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto), Dr. Earl Coffin (Health Protection Branch, Health and Welfare Canada), Dr. Norman Tape (Agriculture Canada), as well as representatives of the food industry, were instrumental in obtaining the commitment from Health and Welfare Canada to develop and maintain the Canadian Nutrient File.  Mrs. Pamela Verdier (Health Protection Branch) has been the person mainly responsible for making this file available.

Software development for the food record calculation system was by Peace and Musten Ltd. and Iota Computer Services, primarily Mrs. Doryne Peace and Mr. Gaëtan Godin.

Mrs. Vartouhi Jazmaji, Mrs. Catherine Benda, Miss Lynn Gates, Mrs. Diane Kraft, Ms. Mary Ann Yurkew tested the system and prepared fibre data for the Institute food file.

Further work in developing the programme for Food Frequency Questionnaires and for defining food groups was done at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Toronto Branch for Human Cancer in conjunction with Iota computer Services Ltd.

The modification of the mainframe (DEC system 10) programs for the IBM PC system was a joint project of the Ludwig Institute; the department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto; and Godin London Incorporated.

The further development and refinement of CANDAT was left in the capable hands of Godin London Incorporated.

Elizabeth Bright-See, Ph.D., project coordinator (former coordinator of Program in Human Nutrition, University of Toronto; Nutritional Scientist, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Toronto Branch for Human Cancer Prevention).


Development work for CANDAT was partially funded by a National Research Council Grant to Godin London Incorporated, under project ‘Nutrient file 2134’.