Foods that we eat and their relationship to health


Some publications that mention using CANDAT

(please note that articles in journals, books, masters and PhD theses are in this growing list)
  1. Alder, Robert J., Gail McKeown-Eyssen, and Elizabeth Bright-See. “Randomized trial of the effect of calcium supplementation on fecal risk factors for colorectal cancer.” American journal of epidemiology 138.10 (1993): 804-814.
  2. Allès, Benjamin, et al. “Nutrient patterns in older persons from France and Quebec: comparisons of dietary, lifestyle and socio-economic characteristics.” NUTRITION (2013): 181578.
  4. Alles, Benjamin. Profils de comportement alimentaire et déclin cognitif chez les personnes âgées en Aquitaine et au Québec. Diss. Bordeaux 2, 2013.
  5. Andraea Van Hulst, Marie-Hélène Roy-Gagnon, Lise Gauvin, Yan Kestens, Mélanie Henderson, Tracie A Barnett. “Identifying risk profiles for childhood obesity using recursive partitioning based on individual, familial, and neighborhood environment factors” International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2015, 12:17 (15 February 2015)
  6. Arguin, Hélene, et al. “Short-and long-term effects of continuous versus intermittent restrictive diet approaches on body composition and the metabolic profile in overweight and obese postmenopausal women: a pilot study.” Menopause 19.8 (2012): 870-876.
  7. Atikessé, Laura, et al. “Innu food consumption patterns: traditional food and body mass index.” Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research 71.3 (2010): e41-e49.
  8. Aubertin‐Leheudre, Mylène, et al. “Effect of sarcopenia on cardiovascular disease risk factors in obese postmenopausal women.” Obesity 14.12 (2006): 2277-2283.
  9. Aubertin-Leheudre, Mylène, et al. “Isoflavones and clinical cardiovascular risk factors in obese postmenopausal women: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial.” Journal of Women’s Health 17.8 (2008): 1363-1369.
  10. BOBEUF, FLORIAN. “Sherbrooke, Décembre, 2009© Florian Bobeuf, 2009.” (2009).
  12. Baraké, Roula, et al. “Vitamin D supplement consumption is required to achieve a minimal target 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration of≥ 75 nmol/L in older people.” The Journal of nutrition 140.3 (2010): 551-556.
  13. Barake, Roula Ismail. Correlates and Consequences of Vitamin D Status in Older People. Diss. McGill University, 2009.
  14. Benson, Victoria S., et al. “Type 1 diabetes mellitus and components in drinking water and diet: a population-based, case-control study in Prince Edward Island, Canada.” Journal of the American College of Nutrition 29.6 (2010): 612-624.
  15. Bobeuf, F., et al. “Combined effect of antioxidant supplementation and resistance training on oxidative stress markers, muscle and body composition in an elderly population.” The journal of nutrition, health & aging 15.10 (2011): 883-889.
  16. Borduas, Julie. “Conciliation des bénéfices et risques de la consommation de nourriture traditionnelle atikamekw: l’utilisation des questionnaires alimentaires pour dégager le profil de l’exposition au méthylmercure.” (2008).
  17. Bouchard, Danielle R. Obésité et capacité physique chez la personne âgée. Université de Sherbrooke, 2008.
  18. Bright‐See, E., et al. “Dietary fiber and cancer: a supplement for intervention studies.” (1985): 211-220.
  19. Bright-See, E., V. Jazmaji, and C. A. Benda. “Computerized food and nutrient calculation for research.” Journal of the Canadian Dietetic Association (1986).
  20. Campbell, Cathy C., and Ellen Desjardins. “A model and research approach for studying the management of limited food resources by low income families.” Journal of Nutrition Education 21.4 (1989): 162-171.
  21. Campbell, Martha Karen, et al. “Determinants of small for gestational age birth at term.” Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology 26.6 (2012): 525-533.
  22. Caron, Marie-Noëlle. Étude transversale comparative des effets des apports nutritionnels en lipides et en antioxydants sur les marqueurs du stress oxydatif chez le sujet âgé atteint de diabète mellitus de type 2 versus chez le sujet âgé non-diabétique. Université de Sherbrooke, 2004.
  23. Chan, Laurie, et al. ““Our waters, our fish, our people” Mercury contamination in fish resources of two Treaty# 3 communities.”
  24. Chaput, J‐P., et al. “Physical activity vs. sedentary time: independent associations with adiposity in children.” Pediatric obesity 7.3 (2012): 251-258.
  25. Chaput, Jean-Philippe, et al. “Combined associations between moderate to vigorous physical activity and sedentary behaviour with cardiometabolic risk factors in children.” Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 38.5 (2013): 477-483.
  26. Chaput, Jean-Philippe, et al. “Is overweight/obesity associated with short sleep duration in older women?.” Aging clinical and experimental research 19.4 (2007): 290-294.
  27. Chaput, Jean-Philippe, et al. “Short sleep duration is independently associated with overweight and obesity in Quebec children.” Canadian Journal of Public Health/Revue Canadienne de Sante’e Publique (2011): 369-374.
  28. Chaput, Jean-Philippe. Relation entre l’apport en antioxidants alimentaires et la sarcopénie de type I chez des personnes âgées de 60 à 75 ans. Université de Sherbrooke, 2004.
  29. Choquette, S. T. E. P. H. A. N. E., et al. “Predicting energy expenditure in elders with the metabolic cost of activities.” Medicine and science in sports and exercise 41.10 (2009): 1915-1920.
  30. Cole, Donald C., et al. “Dietary intakes and plasma organochlorine contaminant levels among Great Lakes fish eaters.” Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal 57.5 (2002): 496-509.
  31. Cusson, Valérie. “Évaluation du lien entre l’état de santé dentaire et l’état nutritionnel chez les personnes âgées.” (2015).
  32. Deschesnes, Bruno Riverin. Étude transversale sur le statut en vitamine D et ses déterminants chez les Cris du nord du Québec. Diss. Université Laval, 2014.
  33. Doran, Lori, and Susan Evers. “Energy and nutrient inadequacies in the diets of low-income women who breast-feed.” Journal of the American dietetic association 97.11 (1997): 1283-1287.
  34. Egeland, Grace M., et al. “Food insecurity and nutrition transition combine to affect nutrient intakes in Canadian Arctic communities.” The Journal of nutrition 141.9 (2011): 1746-1753.
  35. Egeland, Grace M., et al. “Food insecurity and nutrition transition combine to affect nutrient intakes in Canadian Arctic communities.” The Journal of nutrition141.9 (2011): 1746-1753.
  36. Eid, Lara. “Association entre l’insécurité alimentaire et les apports en nutriments chez les Premières Nations de la Colombie-Britannique.” (2011).
  37. El Hayek, Jessy, Grace Egeland, and Hope Weiler. “Higher body mass, older age and higher monounsaturated fatty acids intake reflect better quantitative ultrasound parameters in Inuit preschoolers.” International journal of circumpolar health 71 (2012).
  38. El Hayek, Jessy, Grace Egeland, and Hope Weiler. “Vitamin D status of Inuit preschoolers reflects season and vitamin D intake.” The Journal of nutrition140.10 (2010): 1839-1845.
  39. El Hayek, Jessy, et al. “Forearm Bone Mineral Density Varies as a Function of Adiposity in Inuit Women 40–90 Years of Age During the Vitamin D–Synthesizing Period.” Calcified tissue international 90.5 (2012): 384-395.
  40. El Hayek, Jessy. Correlates of vitamin D status in Inuit preschoolers and adults and correlates of. Diss. McGill University, 2011.
  41. Evers, Susan E., and Michelle D. Hooper. “Dietary intake and anthropometric status of 7 to 9 year old children in economically disadvantaged communities in Ontario.” Journal of the American College of Nutrition 14.6 (1995): 595-603.
  42. Fogler-Levitt, Elizabeth, et al. “Utilization of home-delivered meals by recipients 75 years of age or older.” Journal of the American Dietetic Association 95.5 (1995): 552-557.
  43. Fowler, Jennifer K., Susan E. Evers, and M. Karen Campbell. “Inadequate Dietary Intakes: Among Pregnant Women.” Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research 73.2 (2012): 72-77.
  44. Gallant, Annette R., et al. “Validity of the night eating questionnaire in children.”International Journal of Eating Disorders 45.7 (2012): 861-865.
  45. Gaudreau, Pierrette, et al. “Nutrition as a determinant of successful aging: description of the Quebec longitudinal study Nuage and results from cross-sectional pilot studies.” Rejuvenation research 10.3 (2007): 377-386.
  46. Gougeon, L., et al. “Dietary patterns and incidence of depression in a cohort of community-dwelling older Canadians.” The journal of nutrition, health & aging: 1-6.
  47. Goulet, Eric DB, et al. “No difference in insulin sensitivity between healthy postmenopausal women with or without sarcopenia: a pilot study.” Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 32.3 (2007): 426-433.
  49. Goulet, Eric, et al. “Sensibilidad a la Insulina en Mujeres Saludables, no Obesas y Post-Menopáusicas con Diferentes Niveles de Masa de Músculo Esquelético.” PubliCE Premium (2008).
  50. Gray-Donald, Katherine, et al. “Protein intake protects against weight loss in healthy community-dwelling older adults.” The Journal of nutrition 144.3 (2014): 321-326.
  51. Hamdan, N. M., et al. “Do implant overdentures improve dietary intake? a randomized clinical trial.” Journal of dental research (2013): 0022034513504948.
  52. Henderson, Mélanie, Andrea Benedetti, and Katherine Gray-Donald. “Dietary composition and its associations with insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion in youth.” British Journal of Nutrition 111.03 (2014): 527-534.
  53. Hennessy-Priest, Kathleen A., et al. “Zinc-fortified foods do not improve intake of total dietary zinc for Ontario preschoolers.” Journal of the American College of Nutrition 27.5 (2008): 561-568.
  54. Hennessy-Priest, Kathleen, et al. “Folic acid food fortification prevents inadequate folate intake among preschoolers from Ontario.” Public health nutrition 12.09 (2009): 1548-1555.
  55. Hooper, Michelle, and Susan Evers. “What do Ontario children eat for breakfast? Food group, energy and macronutrient intake.” Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research 64.1 (2003): 28-30.
  56. Huet, Catherine, Renata Rosol, and Grace M. Egeland. “The prevalence of food insecurity is high and the diet quality poor in Inuit communities.” The Journal of nutrition 142.3 (2012): 541-547.
  57. Huet, Catherine. Prevalence and correlates of food insecurity in Inuit communities. Diss. McGill University, 2010.
  58. Jacobs, Ira, et al. Physical performance and carbohydrate consumption in CF Commandos during a 5-day field trial. No. DCIEM-89-RR-48. DEFENCE AND CIVIL INST OF ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE DOWNSVIEW (ONTARIO), 1989.
  59. Jamieson, Jennifer A. Correlates of iron status, hemoglobin and anemia in Inuit adults. Diss. McGill University, 2012.
  60. Jamieson, Jennifer A., et al. “Higher n3-fatty acid status is associated with lower risk of iron depletion among food insecure Canadian Inuit women.” BMC public health 13.1 (2013): 289.
  61. Jamieson, Jennifer A., et al. “Traditional food intake is correlated with iron stores in Canadian Inuit men.” The Journal of nutrition 142.4 (2012): 764-770.
  62. Jobin, Louise. La relation entre une dépression légère et la dénutrition chez les personnes âgées en perte d’autonomie à domicile. Université de Sherbrooke, 2004.
  63. Johnson-Down, Louise M., and Grace M. Egeland. “How is nutrition transition affecting dietary adequacy in Eeyouch (Cree) adults of Northern Quebec, Canada?.” Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 38.3 (2012): 300-305.
  64. Johnson-Down, Louise, and Grace M. Egeland. “Adequate nutrient intakes are associated with traditional food consumption in Nunavut Inuit children aged 3–5 years.” The Journal of nutrition 140.7 (2010): 1311-1316.
  65. Johnson-Down, Louise, et al. “Appropriate calcium fortification of the food supply presents a challenge.” The Journal of nutrition 133.7 (2003): 2232-2238.
  66. Johnson-Down, Louise, et al. “Primary food sources of nutrients in the diet of Canadian adults.” Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research 67.1 (2006): 7-13.
  67. Kâ, Khady, et al. “Circulating undercarboxylated osteocalcin and gingival crevicular fluid tumour necrosis factor‐α in children.” Journal of clinical periodontology 41.5 (2014): 467-472.
  68. Keller, Heather H., et al. “Activity limitation and food intake in community-living seniors.” Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 18.01 (1999): 47-63.
  69. Khalil, Abdelouahed, et al. “Antioxidant-rich food intakes and their association with blood total antioxidant status and vitamin C and E levels in community-dwelling seniors from the Quebec longitudinal study NuAge.” Experimental gerontology 46.6 (2011): 475-481.
  70. Khalil, Cynthia Bou, Louise Johnson-Down, and Grace M. Egeland. “Emerging obesity and dietary habits among James Bay Cree youth.” Public health nutrition 13.11 (2010): 1829-1837.
  71. Khalil, Cynthia Bou. Emerging Obesity and Dietary Habits Among James Bay Cree Youth: 3 Communities. Diss. McGill University, 2008.
  72. Krondl, Magdalena, et al. “Subjectively healthy elderly consuming a liquid nutrition supplement maintained body mass index and improved some nutritional parameters and perceived well-being.” Journal of the American Dietetic Association 99.12 (1999): 1542-1548.
  73. Krondl, Magdalena, et al. “Tailoring of nutritional support for older adults in the community.” Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly 23.2 (2003): 17-32.
  74. Kuhnlein, Harriet V., et al. “Arctic indigenous peoples experience the nutrition transition with changing dietary patterns and obesity.” The Journal of nutrition134.6 (2004): 1447-1453.
  75. Kuperberg, Karen N. KAREN N. KUPERBERG. Diss. The University of Guelph, 2002.
  76. Kuperberg, Karen, and Susan Evers. “Feeding patterns and weight among First Nations children.” Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research 67.2 (2006): 79-84.
  77. Labonté, Mélissa. “Effet des vitamines C et E combinées à un programme d’exercices en musculation sur la masse musculaire chez des sujets âgés.” (2006).
  78. Legrand, Melissa, et al. “Mercury exposure in two coastal communities of the Bay of Fundy, Canada.” Environmental research 98.1 (2005): 14-21.
  79. Leuenberger, Paula K., et al. “Determination of peak trabecular bone density: interplay of dietary fiber, carbohydrate, and androgens.” The American journal of clinical nutrition 50.5 (1989): 955-961.
  80. Ménard, Julie, et al. “Efficacy of intensive multitherapy for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized controlled trial.” Canadian Medical Association Journal 173.12 (2005): 1457-1466.
  81. MacLellan, Debbie, Jennifer Taylor, and Kyla Wood. “Food intake and academic performance among adolescents.” Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research 69.3 (2008): 141-144.
  82. Mailhac, Aurélie. Boissons sucrées en relation avec l’insulinorésistance chez les jeunes cris de la Baie James. Diss. Université Laval, 2014.
  83. Mannion, Cynthia A., Katherine Gray-Donald, and Kristine G. Koski. “Association of low intake of milk and vitamin D during pregnancy with decreased birth weight.” Canadian Medical Association Journal 174.9 (2006): 1273-1277.
  84. Mannion, Cynthia A., and Robin J. Lindop. “Vitamin/mineral supplements and calcium-based antacids increase maternal calcium intake.” Journal of the American College of Nutrition 28.4 (2009): 362-368.
  85. Mannion, Cynthia A., et al. “Lactating women restricting milk are low on select nutrients.” Journal of the American College of Nutrition 26.2 (2007): 149-155.
  86. Mark, S., et al. “Higher vitamin D intake is needed to achieve serum 25 (OH) D levels greater than 50 nmol/l in Quebec youth at high risk of obesity.” European journal of clinical nutrition 65.4 (2011): 486-492.
  87. Matta, Joane, et al. “Interrelated factors favoring physical performance and activity in older adults from the NuAge cohort study.” Experimental gerontology 55 (2014): 37-43.
  88. Matta, Joane, et al. “Interrelated factors favoring physical performance and activity in older adults from the NuAge cohort study.” Experimental gerontology55 (2014): 37-43.
  89. McKEOWN-EYSSEN, GAIL E., KA SING YEUNG, and E. L. I. Z. A. B. E. T. H. BRIGHT-SEE. “Assessment of past diet in epidemiologic studies.”American journal of epidemiology 124.1 (1986): 94-103.
  90. Mutoni, Sandrine. “Dietary patterns associated with diet quality among First Nations women living on reserves in British Columbia.” (2012).
  91. Nancarrow, Tanya L., Hing Man Chan, and Harriet V. Kuhnlein. “Climate change impacts on dietary nutrient status of Inuit in Nunavut, Canada.” The FASEB Journal 22.1_MeetingAbstracts (2008): 1096-7.
  92. Nash, Danielle M., et al. “Determinants of Diet Quality in Pregnancy: Sociodemographic, Pregnancy-specific, and Food Environment Influences.” Journal of nutrition education and behavior 45.6 (2013): 627-634.
  93. Nash, Danielle M., et al. “Determinants of Diet Quality in Pregnancy: Sociodemographic, Pregnancy-specific, and Food Environment Influences.”Journal of nutrition education and behavior 45.6 (2013): 627-634.
  94. Nutrition Journal 2012, 11:73 (18 September 2012)
  95. Onyango, Adelheid, Katherine Tucker, and Thomas Eisemon. “Household headship and child nutrition: A case study in western Kenya.” Social Science & Medicine 39.12 (1994): 1633-1639.
  96. Osher, Susan. ONE-CARBON METABOLISM IN ADULTS WlTH MAJOR DEPRESSION. Diss. University of Toronto.
  97. Ounpuu, Stephanie, Donna M. Woolcott, and Geoffrey W. Greene. “Defining Stage-of-Change for Lower-Fat Eating.” Journal of the American Dietetic Association 100.6 (2000): 674-679.
  98. Pacey, A., T. Nancarrow, and G. M. Egeland. “Prevalence and risk factors for parental-reported oral health of Inuit preschoolers: Nunavut Inuit Child Health Survey, 2007–2008.” Rural Remote Health 10.2 (2010): 1368.
  99. Pacey, Angela, Hope Weiler, and Grace M. Egeland. “Low prevalence of iron-deficiency anaemia among Inuit preschool children: Nunavut Inuit Child Health Survey, 2007–2008.” Public health nutrition 14.08 (2011): 1415-1423.
  100. Pacey, Angela. Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia among preschool aged Inuit children living in Nunavut. Diss. McGill University, 2009.
  101. Palaniappan, U., et al. “Implications of day-to-day variability on measurements of usual food and nutrient intakes.” The Journal of nutrition 133.1 (2003): 232-235.
  102. Palaniappan, Uma, et al. “Fruit and vegetable consumption is lower and saturated fat intake is higher among Canadians reporting smoking.” The Journal of nutrition 131.7 (2001): 1952-1958.
  103. Phillips, Sandy, Linda Jacobs Starkey, and Katherine Gray-Donald. “Food habits of Canadians: food sources of nutrients for the adolescent sample.”Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research 65.2 (2004): 81-84.
  104. Pomerleau, Joceline, Truls Østbye, and Elizabeth Bright-See. “Potential underreporting of energy intake in the Ontario Health Survey and its relationship with nutrient and food intakes.” European journal of epidemiology 15.6 (1999): 553-557.
  105. Presse, Nancy, et al. “A minimum of six days of diet recording is needed to assess usual vitamin K intake among older adults.” The Journal of nutrition 141.2 (2011): 341-346.
  106. Presse, Nancy. “Vitamine K et fonctions cognitives chez la personne âgée en santé: une approche épidémiologique nutritionnelle.” (2012).
  107. Pronovost, Amy. Vitamin D status and bone health in Inuit women 40 years of age and older. Diss. McGill University, 2009.
  108. Rahi, Berna, et al. “Decline in functional capacity is unaffected by diet quality alone or in combination with physical activity among generally healthy older adults with T2D from the NuAge cohort.” Diabetes research and clinical practice 105.3 (2014): 399-407.
  109. Rahi, Berna, et al. “The combined effects of diet quality and physical activity on maintenance of muscle strength among diabetic older adults from the NuAge cohort.” Experimental gerontology 49 (2014): 40-46.
  110. Ritter, Heidi. Food Group Contribution to the Energy and Nutrient Intake of the Adult Canadian Population. Diss. McGill University, 2000.
  111. Riverin, Bruno, et al. “Prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency among healthy school-age Cree children.” Paediatrics & child health 19.3 (2014): e15-9.
  112. Rossi, Monsieur Paul-Georges. “Quebec cm.” – Rapport – Portions maximales des aliments traditionnels chez les Cris de la Baie James. Louise Johnson-Down M Sc. DtP 26 Novembre 2014
  113. Rossiter, Melissa D., Susan E. Evers, and Amy C. Pender. “Adolescents’ diets do not comply with 2007 Canada’s food guide recommendations.” Appetite 59.3 (2012): 668-672.
  114. Roy, A., S. E. Evers, and M. K. Campbell. “Dietary supplement use and iron, zinc and folate intake in pregnant women in London, Ontario.” Chronic Dis Inj Can 32.2 (2012): 76-83.
  115. Roy, A., S. E. Evers, and M. K. Campbell. “Utilisation de suppléments alimentaires et apport en fer, en zinc et en folate chez les femmes enceintes de london, Ontario.”
  116. Roy, Amrita, et al. “Higher zinc intake buffers the impact of stress on depressive symptoms in pregnancy.” Nutrition research 30.10 (2010): 695-704.
  117. Sénéchal, M., et al. “Weight gain since menopause and its associations with weight loss maintenance in obese postmenopausal women.” Clinical interventions in aging 6 (2011): 221.
  118. Sénéchal, Martin, et al. “Effects of rapid or slow weight loss on body composition and metabolic risk factors in obese postmenopausal women. A pilot study.” Appetite 58.3 (2012): 831-834.
  119. Saudny, Helga, Donna Leggee, and Grace Egeland. “Design and methods of the adult Inuit health survey 2007–2008.” International journal of circumpolar health 71 (2012).
  120. Schmid, M. A., et al. “Traditional food consumption and nutritional status of Dalit mothers in rural Andhra Pradesh, South India.” European journal of clinical nutrition 60.11 (2006): 1277-1283.
  121. Schmid, Martina, et al. “Intervention with traditional food as a major source of energy, protein, iron, vitamin C and vitamin A for rural Dalit mothers and young children in Andhra Pradesh, South India.” Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition 16.1 (2007): 84.
  122. Shang, Lei, et al. “The association between food patterns and adiposity among Canadian children at risk of overweight.” Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 39.2 (2013): 195-201.
  123. Shatenstein, Bryna, et al. “Examining the relative validity of an adult food frequency questionnaire in children and adolescents.” Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition 51.5 (2010): 645-652.
  124. Sontrop, Jessica, et al. “Depressive symptoms during pregnancy in relation to fish consumption and intake of n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.” Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology 22.4 (2008): 389-399.
  126. Sparks, Sarah. Nutritional Quality of Children’s School Lunches: Changes in lunchtime nutrient intakes from 2007 to 2010. Diss. Masters thesis, 2012.
  127. St-Arnaud-McKenzie, Danielle, Hélène Payette, and Katherine Gray-Donald. “Low physical function predicts either 2-year weight loss or weight gain in healthy community-dwelling older adults. The NuAge longitudinal study.” The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 65.12 (2010): 1362-1368.
  128. St-Arnaud-McKenzie, Danielle, Hélène Payette, and Katherine Gray-Donald. “Low physical function predicts either 2-year weight loss or weight gain in healthy community-dwelling older adults. The NuAge longitudinal study.” The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences65.12 (2010): 1362-1368.
  129. Stroud, Jill, et al. “Dietary intake and growth of preschoolers (3-5 years old) living in southwestern Ontario.” The FASEB Journal 21.6 (2007): A1051.
  130. Tabacchi, Garden, et al. “Validation and reproducibility of dietary assessment methods in adolescents: a systematic literature review.” Public health nutrition17.12 (2014): 2700-2714.
  131. Taylor, Jennifer P., et al. “Nutritional quality of children’s school lunches: differences according to food source.” Public health nutrition 15.12 (2012): 2259-2264.
  132. Taylor, Jennifer, Magdalena Krondl, and Venket Rao. “Acetylsalicylic acid dose fails to affect energy intake of osteoarthritic elderly.” Journal of nutrition for the elderly 8.3-4 (1989): 79-96.
  133. Traynor, Marie M., et al. “Vegetable and fruit food frequency questionnaire serves as a proxy for quantified intake.” Canadian Journal of Public Health/Revue Canadienne de Sante’e Publique (2006): 286-290.
  134. Troppmann, Leticia, Katherine Gray-Donald, and Timothy Johns. “Supplement use: Is there any nutritional benefit?.” Journal of the American Dietetic Association 102.6 (2002): 818-825.
  135. Tucker, Ketherine L., and Christine Lamba. “Work Patterns, Prenatal Care, and Nutritional Status of Pregnant Subsistence Farmers in Southern Malawi. Agreement# IC-58/19.” (1989).
  136. Van Hulst, Andraea, et al. “Associations between children’s diets and features of their residential and school neighbourhood food environments.” Can J Public Health 103.9 (2012): eS48-eS54.
  137. Verrall, Tanya, and Katherine Gray-Donald. “Impact of a food-based approach to improve iron nutrition of at-risk infants in northern Canada.” Preventive medicine 40.6 (2005): 896-903.
  138. Wang, J. W., et al. “Adiposity and glucose intolerance exacerbate components of metabolic syndrome in children consuming sugar‐sweetened beverages: QUALITY cohort study.” Pediatric obesity 8.4 (2013): 284-293.
  139. Wang, JiaWei, et al. “Consumption of added sugars from liquid but not solid sources predicts impaired glucose homeostasis and insulin resistance among youth at risk of obesity.” The Journal of nutrition 144.1 (2014): 81-86.
  140. Yohannes, Sennait. Traditional Food Consumption, Anthropometry, Nutrient intake and the Emerging Relationship between Inuit Youth and Traditional Knowledge in a Baffin Island Community. Diss. McGill University, 2009.
  141. Yuan, Wen Lun, et al. “Influence of dairy product consumption on children’s blood pressure: results from the QUALITY cohort.” Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 113.7 (2013): 936-941.
  142. Zienczuk, Natalia, et al. “Dietary correlates of an at-risk BMI among Inuit adults in the Canadian high arctic: cross-sectional international polar year Inuit health survey, 2007-2008.” Nutrition journal 11.1 (2012): 73.